Time is an Illusion - Time Doesn't Exist

How to Manifest $50,000 in your Bank Account

Let me start off by stating this controversial fact: Time is an illusion. Reality is all created NOW, from your consciousness NOW. Past, present, and future is all created now.

And let me explain with a far fetched, unlikely example, given most people’s logical construct of how time works and cause and effect. At the end of this video, I hope you realized that this example is not far fetched at all?

Let’s say I want my bank account balance to be $50,000, but it’s normally only $1,000. Based on what I have been taught, that time is linear, and everything is cause and effect; my brain logically thinks that in order for there to be $50,000 in my bank account there must be some reason it’s there. It makes no logical sense for my bank account to have $50,000 in it, if I don’t have a specific action that caused it to be there, such as a series of deposits from logical sources like a job or something I sold. My physical logical brain thinks with cause and effect, such as I worked and got paid, and therefore I have a deposit. BUT, if time is NOT LINEAR; and we look at things from a quantum physics point of view, then each moment is just a snapshot. If time is NOT LINEAR, there is no continuity from one moment to another.

If time is NOT LINEAR, then each moment is just like a frame on a film strip. Each moment is a separate snapshot, a completely separate image. The flow, the motion, is only created when the film strip runs, like for a movie, giving 3D reality the illusion of time. But in reality TIME is just a construct of CHANGE. Time is just a measurement of how much one frame on the film strip is different from the next frame. It’s just stop motion videography.

So if it’s just like stop motion videography, then let’s look at the individual frames. Using this bank account balance example, the frame is created by my beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. With the old way my logical mind worked, my bank balance would be based on a general guesstimate of what my bank balance was yesterday or last week, plus a guesstimate of what has been deposited, like a paycheck, and a guesstimate of what my expenses or withdrawals have been. This is my expectation and belief. That there must be something to cause my balance to go from $1,000 to $50,000. Since this is my BELIEF, then I experience this in my 3D reality.

But what if I change my belief? According to quantum physics, nothing exists in 3D until it is observed. And what is observed is based on my consciousness, my thoughts, my beliefs. What if I change my expectations and beliefs to reflect that each frame, each moment in time, including my bank account balance RIGHT NOW, is simply a reflection of my current consciousness, my current expectation of what it is. What if I change my belief to be that my bank account balance can be ANYTHING. Without any logical reason or action in linear time to cause it (other than my consciousness). Any amount at all.

It can be $50,000 because I believe it will be whatever I believe it will be. It will be whatever my expectation is. So my new belief is that each moment, each frame on the film strip, is created based on whatever I choose right NOW. There is no continuity from any past. There is no continuity from yesterday or last week or last year. There is no spill over from the balance yesterday.

If this is my new belief, then what do I choose my bank account balance to be, RIGHT NOW? I bet you just thought of a number, and then you immediately thought “But that’s not possible. Where would that money come from?” If you just thought this, then you just took the first step to changing your beliefs. Recognizing your limiting beliefs. You now KNOW that you have a limiting belief, a belief in linear time and cause and effect. You don’t yet believe that things can just be created out of thin air, with no link to prior events. You don’t yet believe that the 3D reality you see is a reflection of your consciousness NOW.

When I first starting manifesting, I had this problem too. I could manifest little things, like finding money on the ground every time I left the house, but I still struggled with big things, like huge unexplained deposits in my bank account. One step you can take to bridge your old beliefs into these new quantum physics beliefs, is to start with something that IS believable to your logical mind. I started by listing all the ways, all the crazy, once in a lifetime ways, that people do receive unexpected deposits into their bank accounts. Start with the simple belief that “If it can happen to them, it can happen to me.” I started writing down things like: “I won the lottery.” “I received a large inheritance from someone I didn’t really know and it was completely unexpected.”... And guess what. ALL these things started happening. Every single one of them. Because I believed that they COULD happen.

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💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - "This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

Learn how to use this cool video vision board to upload images of things YOU want to manifest in your life. The images will be integrated into premade video templates with positive affirmations and images that create feelings of harmony, joy, and accomplishment. I have manifested so many things by using this tool. I love it and highly recommend it! Sign up for a 10 day free trial!

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This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

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