Increase Sales with Subliminal Positive Affirmations

Did you know that you can increase your sales by using silent subliminal positive affirmations? This video (below) includes positive affirmations written underneath the music as subliminal audio. The subliminals are intended to increase your sales in any type of business. Subliminal messages work because they bypass your conscious mind so you don't have a chance to argue with the statements. The positive affirmations sink directly into your subconscious mind, creating maximum benefit for your sales success.

Listen to this video on LOOP each day. You can also play the video on your computer as you do work. The graphics are calming. Let the positive affirmations sink into your subconscious mind and start bringing about financial independence in your life by increasing your sales.

These subliminal affirmations work for any type of business or sales goal. The most important component of any business transaction is YOU! Your mindset can either draw customers towards you, or make them run away from you! Use these subliminal messages to attract the ideal customer to you. Would you like a subliminal message video made just for your goals? Request a Custom Subliminal Video Here.

Subliminal Messages Included:

I am so happy and grateful in this moment for all of the sales I am receiving. My products for sale are the exact item that my ideal customer is looking for. My designs are beautiful and bring joy to anyone who buys my products. My sales are steady from day to day, yet all increasing over time. I am confident in my ability to introduce and sell my products to the right people. My ideal customers are looking for a unique products that has all the qualities of my product. I help my customers choose the ideal product for them. I take time to quiet my mind so I can be inspired with new ideas and actions to take in my business.

I am well compensated for a job well done. I give off a positive energy to others that makes them want to be around me and want to buy from me. I am excellent at booking parties or events where my products can be showcased to people. I am open to finding new customers in marketing ways that I have never done before. The internet algorithms introduce many cold leads to my products and services which convert very well into paying customers.

I have value to offer others. I am a great salesperson. I set high sales goals for myself each month, and I reach those goals with joy and ease. Everything about my business is joyful and fun. If I face a challenge, I quiet any non-productive chatter in my mind, and focus on all the positive things that have went right lately. During the quiet space I give my mind, I am presented with solutions and ideas that can solve my challenges. I am open to looking at unique ways to succeed.

I know that my mindset is the most important thing to my business. I have a positive mindset whenever I am working on my business. If I am not in a positive mindset, I will take a walk, go outside in nature, take a nap, or eat some healthy food, to get myself back on track. I will not work on my business if I am not in a hopeful optimistic mood. My mood is what attracts my customers, and I only want to attract stellar customers, so I will only focus on my business when I am at my best.

However, I will immediately take an inspired action that is presented into my mind when I am in a good mood. These inspired ideas are direct instructions to success. No matter how odd or silly they may seem at the time, I will take one step in the direction of completing that inspired idea. Once there, I will pause and listen for more inspired action ideas and take the next step. My successful business if built upon taking one step at time. After a while I will be climbing to the peak of the mountain.

I surround myself with wonderful positive and encouraging people. I listen only to the advice of well meaning positive people who have my best interests at heart. I am a valuable member of my team. I have so much to offer others. I strive to bless others everyday with myself, my energy, my motivation, and my wonderful products. I was destined to succeed. My sales are increasing every single day. I love what I do. I am so very thankful for the opportunity to do what I love and reach any goals I set for myself. e

The graphics used in this video are calming and almost hypnotic. You can leave this video playing on your computer while you work and it won't be too distracting and you'll still get the benefit of listening to the subliminal affirmations. Yet, you won't be too distracted to finish your work. Make the most of your time and work on your personal development while you are working.

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Custom Subliminal Video

I use MindZoom Subliminal Mixer software to create the silent subliminal messages used in the videos.

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Learn how to use this cool video vision board to upload images of things YOU want to manifest in your life. The images will be integrated into premade video templates with positive affirmations and images that create feelings of harmony, joy, and accomplishment. I have manifested so many things by using this tool. I love it and highly recommend it! Sign up for a 10 day free trial!

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100 Days to Manifest My Money Workbook and Gratitude Journal

Journal your way to increasing income! Use the check writing technique to rewrite your money story. Available on Amazon!


This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

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