Motivational Inspirational Quotes

These Positive Affirmation Quotes are the perfect size to share on Pinterest!

My Income is Dramatically Increasing Everyday | Positive Affirmations for Abundance #money #income #moneyaffirmations #positiveaffirmations #increaseincome #lawofattraction #quotes

My Income is Dramatically Increasing Everyday | Positive Affirmations for Abundance

#money #income #moneyaffirmations #positiveaffirmations #increaseincome #lawofattraction #quotes

Money Flows to Me in Expected and Unexpected Ways - Positive Affirmation Quotes About Money. Be open to money flowing into your life in both expected ways, such as a paycheck from work, and also unexpected ways, such as finding cash on the ground, getting an unexpected check in the mail, or receiving an unexpected deposit into your bank account. I have received all of these unexpected ways recently. #money #abundance #lawofattraction #wealth #prosperity #attractmoney #moneymagnet

Money Flows to Me in Expected and Unexpected Ways - Positive Affirmation Quotes About Money.

Be open to money flowing into your life in both expected ways, such as a paycheck from work, and also unexpected ways, such as finding cash on the ground, getting an unexpected check in the mail, or receiving an unexpected deposit into your bank account. I have received all of these unexpected ways recently. #money #abundance #lawofattraction #wealth #prosperity #attractmoney #moneymagnet

I Set My Intention for each Segment of my day.  Stop and pause for a moment before starting a task and set your intention for what the greatest outcome can be for that specific task.  Writing? Set the intention that you will receive divine inspiration for the exact words your audience needs to hear.,  Driving? Set your intention for safe travels...every time.  Listening/Learning? Set your intention that you will be focused and HEAR how the message applies to you! #intentions #lawofattraction

I Set My Intention for each Segment of my day. Stop and pause for a moment before starting a task and set your intention for what the greatest outcome can be for that specific task. Writing? Set the intention that you will receive divine inspiration for the exact words your audience needs to hear., Driving? Set your intention for safe travels...every time. Listening/Learning? Set your intention that you will be focused and HEAR how the message applies to you!

#intentions #lawofattractionrea

Learn how to use this cool video vision board to upload images of things YOU want to manifest in your life. The images will be integrated into premade video templates with positive affirmations and images that create feelings of harmony, joy, and accomplishment. I have manifested so many things by using this tool. I love it and highly recommend it! Sign up for a 10 day free trial!

#visionboard #digitalvisionboard #videovisionboard #mindmovie #manifestation

100 Days to Manifest My Money Workbook and Gratitude Journal

Journal your way to increasing income! Use the check writing technique to rewrite your money story. Available on Amazon!


This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

#manifestationjournal #moneyjournal #manifestmoneyjournal

Energy Flows Where Your Focus Goes | Motivational Inspirational Quotes for Success.  Whatever you are focused on, whether good or bad, your energy will flow to it.  Your energy will make it increase.   If you are complaining about a problem, your focus sends more energy to that issue, compounding the issue and making it worse.  Likewise, if you focus on the good things, your energy will compound the good things, and more and more good things will start happening. #affirmations #quotes #positive

Energy Flows Where Your Focus Goes | Motivational Inspirational Quotes for Success.

Whatever you are focused on, whether good or bad, your energy will flow to it. Your energy will make it increase. If you are complaining about a problem, your focus sends more energy to that issue, compounding the issue and making it worse. Likewise, if you focus on the good things, your energy will compound the good things, and more and more good things will start happening. #affirmations #quotes #positive

I Trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way | Inspirational Quotes.  I accept the fact that I am not in control.  I allow abundance to flow to me when I need it.  Everything is always working out for me.  The timing is divine.  I may not see it now, but when I look back on it, I will realize that it was exactly as it was supposed to be.  #perfecttiming #abundance #quotes #affirmations #positivequotes #positiveaffirmations #timing #perfect #divine #inspirational

I Trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way | Inspirational Quotes.

I accept the fact that I am not in control. I allow abundance to flow to me when I need it. Everything is always working out for me. The timing is divine. I may not see it now, but when I look back on it, I will realize that it was exactly as it was supposed to be. #perfecttiming #abundance #quotes #affirmations #positivequotes #positiveaffirmations #timing #perfect #divine #inspirational

My journey is not the same as your journey.  We all have our own path to follow.  I am my best self when I am on the path designed for me.  We all have our own unique talents, gifts, and abilities.  When I follow my true calling I give off the best energy, my eyes light up, and I am joyful.  Don't be afraid to follow your own path, even if those around you don't understand it.  You are created for a unique purpose.  #destiny #journey #unique #beunique #thrive #affirmations #quotes #positivequote

My journey is not the same as your journey. We all have our own path to follow. I am my best self when I am on the path designed for me. We all have our own unique talents, gifts, and abilities. When I follow my true calling I give off the best energy, my eyes light up, and I am joyful. Don't be afraid to follow your own path, even if those around you don't understand it. You are created for a unique purpose.

#destiny #journey #unique #beunique #thrive #affirmations #quotes #positivequote

I AM learning the art of surrender.  Every day I am letting go of the outcome and allowing infinite abundance into my life.  I am open to receiving great things into my life.  I am surrendering to my divine calling for my best life.  I no longer try to control.  I let go.  I allow all good things.    #lawofattraction #quotes #theartofallowing #theartofsurrender #Isurrender #Isurrenderall #allowgoodthings #allowabundance #abundance #prosperity #wealth #happiness #joy

I AM learning the art of surrender. Every day I am letting go of the outcome and allowing infinite abundance into my life. I am open to receiving great things into my life. I am surrendering to my divine calling for my best life. I no longer try to control. I let go. I allow all good things.

#lawofattraction #quotes #theartofallowing #theartofsurrender #Isurrender #Isurrenderall #allowgoodthings #allowabundance #abundance #prosperity #wealth #happiness #joy

I Choose to See the Good | Positive Quotes and Affirmations for Life.  In every moment, it is my choice the thoughts I think and the perceptions that I have.  I can choose to see the good, or I can focus on something not so good.  It's all up to me.  I choose my reality.  I  create my life based on what I focus on.  I choose to see the good.  How about you?  #positivequotes #positiveaffirmations #quotes #bestlife #goforthandthrive #positiveprime #positivity #success #lawofattraction

I Choose to See the Good | Positive Quotes and Affirmations for Life.

In every moment, it is my choice the thoughts I think and the perceptions that I have. I can choose to see the good, or I can focus on something not so good. It's all up to me. I choose my reality. I create my life based on what I focus on. I choose to see the good. How about you?

#positivequotes #positiveaffirmations #quotes #bestlife #goforthandthrive #positiveprime #positivity #success #lawofattraction

All of life comes with ease, joy, and glory.  I breathe in slowly and feel the ease of the moment.  I focus my attention on things that bring me joy.  I take time to do something that I enjoy.  I take a moment to enjoy the glory of a beautiful sunset.  When I observe the ease, joy, and glory all around me, then my life becomes more and more ease and joy and glory.  I can feel things shifting.  I can feel that I am allowing more ease into my life.    #ease #joy #glory #theartofallowing #allowabundance #abundance #lawofattraction #prosperity

All of life comes with ease, joy, and glory. I breathe in slowly and feel the ease of the moment. I focus my attention on things that bring me joy. I take time to do something that I enjoy. I take a moment to enjoy the glory of a beautiful sunset. When I observe the ease, joy, and glory all around me, then my life becomes more and more ease and joy and glory. I can feel things shifting. I can feel that I am allowing more ease into my life. #ease #joy #glory #theartofallowing #allowabundance #abundance #lawofattraction #prosperity

I have so much to be thankful for | Gratitude Quotes.  Look around and see all the things in your life that you have to be thankful for.  All the blessings you have received.  From the shoes on your feet to the roof over your head.  Stop and give thanks for a moment.  #grateful #thanks #thankful #blessed #gratitude #givethanks #bethankful #blessed #GoForthAndThrive #positiveprime

I have so much to be thankful for | Gratitude Quotes.

Look around and see all the things in your life that you have to be thankful for. All the blessings you have received. From the shoes on your feet to the roof over your head. Stop and give thanks for a moment.

#grateful #thanks #thankful #blessed #gratitude #givethanks #bethankful #blessed #GoForthAndThrive #positiveprime

I am creating my life moment by moment with each and every thought I think.  Good or Bad.  What we think about, we bring about.  My thoughts give off an electromagnetic energy, a vibe.  Just like a dog can sense people's vibes, the electromagnetic energy is always being given off, based on your thoughts, which create your feelings.  You will sync up to the same electromagnetic energy waves in the world as the ones you give off.  If you are giving off a bad vibe because you are angry, upset, hopeless, feeling broke, etc, you will match up to things in life that have this bad energy too.  Bad things will happen to you.  BUT if you change your thoughts, which change your feelings to something happy, positive, something that makes you laugh, you give off a positive vibe, a wavelength that syncs up with other good things.  Good things start happening to you.  People start responding to you differently.  People are nicer to you.  Random good things just start showing up in your life.  It is simply a matching effect of the energy you are giving off.  Your energy waves are a real thing, just like your heartbeat can be seen on an EKG machine  Our bodies are giving off electromagnetic signals every moment of every day, based on our thoughts and feelings.  #energy #thoughtscreatethings #goodvibes #abundance #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #thrive #GoForthAndThrive

I am creating my life moment by moment with each and every thought I think. Good or Bad. What we think about, we bring about. My thoughts give off an electromagnetic energy, a vibe. Just like a dog can sense people's vibes, the electromagnetic energy is always being given off, based on your thoughts, which create your feelings. You will sync up to the same electromagnetic energy waves in the world as the ones you give off. If you are giving off a bad vibe because you are angry, upset, hopeless, feeling broke, etc, you will match up to things in life that have this bad energy too. Bad things will happen to you. BUT if you change your thoughts, which change your feelings to something happy, positive, something that makes you laugh, you give off a positive vibe, a wavelength that syncs up with other good things. Good things start happening to you. People start responding to you differently. People are nicer to you. Random good things just start showing up in your life. It is simply a matching effect of the energy you are giving off. Your energy waves are a real thing, just like your heartbeat can be seen on an EKG machine Our bodies are giving off electromagnetic signals every moment of every day, based on our thoughts and feelings. #energy #thoughtscreatethings #goodvibes #abundance #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #thrive #GoForthAndThrive

Breathe in the Peace.  Take a moment to look outside at the trees, swaying in the wind.  They stand there, strong & silent.  Take a deep breath.  Let your worries melt away.  Just be present in the moment.  Stop thinking about what you need to get done, and where you need to be.  Just Be.  Just Breathe in the Peace.  #nature #trees #positivequotes #quotes #positivity  #GoForthAndThrive #affirmations #success #lawofattraction  Change your life with 3 min a day

Breathe in the Peace. Take a moment to look outside at the trees, swaying in the wind. They stand there, strong & silent. Take a deep breath. Let your worries melt away. Just be present in the moment. Stop thinking about what you need to get done, and where you need to be. Just Be. Just Breathe in the Peace.

#nature #trees #positivequotes #quotes #positivity #GoForthAndThrive #affirmations #success #lawofattraction Change your life with 3 min a day

Today is a Great Day to Have a Great Day.  Inspirational Quotes to Live By.  There is no better day than today to start living the life of your dreams.  Make simple changes to create happiness and joy in your life today.  Live every moment to the fullest.  #quotes #positivequotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #inspiration #greatday #happiness #joy #positiveaffirmations #affirmations

Today is a Great Day to Have a Great Day. Inspirational Quotes to Live By.

There is no better day than today to start living the life of your dreams. Make simple changes to create happiness and joy in your life today. Live every moment to the fullest.

Start Each Day with the Intention of How You Want the Day to Unfold | Inspirational Quotes.  You might be shocked to find out that you have been creating your reality all along.  Your thoughts matter.  If you wake up and immediately start stressing out over a situation from yesterday, you will bring that reality into today.  However, if you start focusing your attention of the best possible scenarios for the day, the best will start showing up.  #quotes #affirmations #dailyhabits #positivity

Start Each Day with the Intention of How You Want the Day to Unfold | Inspirational Quotes.

You might be shocked to find out that you have been creating your reality all along. Your thoughts matter. If you wake up and immediately start stressing out over a situation from yesterday, you will bring that reality into today. However, if you start focusing your attention of the best possible scenarios for the day, the best will start showing up.

Hello Universe Let's Design a Beautiful Life.  Inspirational Motivational Quotes.  Decide in your mind right now what type of life you want to create for yourself.  And then take a few minutes each day and daydream about this beautiful life you want for yourself.  We spend so much time running around just trying to keep our heads above water, and we don't spend any time focusing our attention of the desires of our hearts.  You can create anything you focus your attention on.  #quotes

Hello Universe Let's Design a Beautiful Life. Inspirational Motivational Quotes.

Decide in your mind right now what type of life you want to create for yourself. And then take a few minutes each day and daydream about this beautiful life you want for yourself. We spend so much time running around just trying to keep our heads above water, and we don't spend any time focusing our attention of the desires of our hearts. You can create anything you focus your attention on.

I AM Allowing the Flow of Money into My Life | Positive Affirmations for Abundance.  Receiving money is more about allowing the energy of abundance into your life than it is about earning or working for money.  Everything is energy, and feeling the energy of abundance allows more abundance to flow into your life.  Look around you and list off all the things you see in abundance: trees, grass, people, every single item man made came from an invention.  Abundance is all around.  #money #abundance

I AM Allowing the Flow of Money into My Life | Positive Affirmations for Abundance.

Receiving money is more about allowing the energy of abundance into your life than it is about earning or working for money. Everything is energy, and feeling the energy of abundance allows more abundance to flow into your life. Look around you and list off all the things you see in abundance: trees, grass, people, every single item man made came from an invention. Abundance is all around. #money #abundance

Breathe In the Beauty | Fall Leaves Over Lake | Inspirational Quotes.  Take time to look out the window and see the beautiful nature of this world.  Schedule into your day a walk and really look at the trees and the sky and the lakes and all the beauty around you.  Breathe In the Beauty.  #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyinspiration #quotes #positiveaffirmations #nature #fall #leaves #landscape #prettyscenery #naturequotes #quote

Breathe In the Beauty | Fall Leaves Over Lake | Inspirational Quotes.

Take time to look out the window and see the beautiful nature of this world. Schedule into your day a walk and really look at the trees and the sky and the lakes and all the beauty around you. Breathe In the Beauty.

Grateful Thankful Blessed

Grateful Thankful Blessed

Be grateful for the life you have right in front of you. Take inventory of all the wonderful things and people that are in your life right now. Being grateful opens the door for receiving more. Without gratitude, your heart will be closed to receiving anything else good into your life. You are truly blessed. Take a moment to express how very thankful you are for everything in your life right now.

Did you know that you can use beautiful images like these, along with positive affirmations, in a video tool that helps bypass your critical conscious mind, and imprint these positive messages into your subconscious mind in as little as 3 minutes per day? Think of it, like a vision board, but in video format.

Curious to see how it works? You can try it out for free for 10 days .

I've been using this video tool for a few months now, every single day. And I cannot describe to you how much it improves my mood and makes me happy.

The videos have very specific images in them that are scientifically proven to release feel good chemicals as if you were smiling and feeling successful. After watching only 3 minutes of the videos, your mood improves, which makes your brain open to more creative solutions. It also changes the "energy" or "vibe" you are giving off, because now your mood is improved. That translates to people working better with you, like you more, buying more from you. Research suggests that happiness precedes success in all measurable attributes. Which means that you shouldn't think "Oh, I'll be happy once I achieve this goal"....but rather, "If I get happy, success will follow".

How to Use Positive Quote Images in a Video Vision Board to Create the Life of Your Dreams

Click Here for a FREE TRIAL of a Video Vision Board Tool that Works Like Magic!

This simple video tool increase Happiness, increase joy, increase learnings, improve test scores, reach your goals faster, increase business sales, increase abundance in all areas, improve relationships, improve wellness, increase team collaboration, increase creativity, overcome money challenges, decrease stress, decrease anxiety, manifest anything you can imagine.

Hundreds of video sessions are already loaded on the platform, but the real magic happens with you upload your own personalized photos which then play inside the video session. Images that make you feel love, joy, and optimism. Uploading images of your family members or pets, that dream vacation, or business goals you want to achieve, allow you to make your dreams come true. By looking at photos that bring you joy, your emotional state is elevated and you can combine that emotion with the other images of goals you want to achieve to make that a reality.

Free 10 Day Trial here

Do you feel stuck in your life right now? Are you struggling to reach your goals? Discover the magic of combining specifically chosen images with positive affirmations in a video tool that can play the images so fast that your conscious mind doesn't have a chance to argue with the positive messaging. (your subconscious mind can process information much quicker and still "sees and reads" all the positive affirmations, even if you conscious mind can't. It's like a vision board - but in video format - with multiple speeds to play it fast or slow. Specific music of each video also entrains your brain for positive outcomes.

Use beautiful images and positive affirmations like these, in a video format, to create a vision board that increases your joy and helps create the life you really want. Free 10 Day Trial here

Inspirational Quotes Coloring Book
Positive Affirmations Coloring Book
Satisfying Patterns and Zentangles Coloring Book
Cute Animals Coloring Book