What are Subliminal Affirmations

and Why do they Work?

What are subliminal affirmations and why do they work?

What are subliminal affirmations?

What are subliminal affirmations and how can we use them to improve our lives? We dive into this topic on this page and explain how subliminal messages can be used to radically change everything you see and experience in your day to day life.

Subliminal affirmations are written very quietly and sometime played underneath music. They are said to work by bypassing the conscious mind because they are so quiet. Subliminals can use whispers, low-frequency sounds, or really fast visual images. The subliminal messages are so subtle that the conscious mind doesn't recognize them. The conscious mind then doesn't argue with them because it doesn't even hear them. However, the subconscious mind picks them up and is influenced by them. The subconscious mind is where your core beliefs are held, and it is said that more than 95% of your life is actually influenced by your patterns and beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind. So if you want to change something about your life, the subconscious mind is what needs to change. By listening to subliminal affirmations over and over again, you can slowly reprogram the basic beliefs you hold, which have become the default operating system you are living by.

Most of your subconscious beliefs were created when you were an infant and toddler, all the way up until about age six. During these years your brain operated mostly in theta and alpha wave lengths. As an adult, you only get into these brainwave pattern during deep mediation or hypnosis. When you are in these brainwave states, your mind is like a sponge, learning and soaking up all the information that is presented to it, without regard to whether it's true or not, and making no judgements for or against the information. Basically, whatever you repeatedly heard as a young child, solidified a belief system within yourself of how things work. So if your parents were constantly arguing about money, or saying there's never enough money, then subconsciously you picked up that belief system, just by hearing it over and over again. On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to have parents with a prosperity mindset, you were always talking about how "Everything is always working out for us" and "Opportunity is everywhere", then you engrain this into your belief system.

Based on the law of attraction, whatever your thoughts and beliefs are, you are emitting a frequency in line with those thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. These waves of energy sync up with similar waves of energy. A vibration of joy syncs up with other vibrations of joy. Vibrations of complaining syncs up with other vibrations of complaining. You know how when you walk into a room, you can tell is someone is in a bad mood, even before they say anything to you. Maybe you have heard someone say, "You could cut the tension with a knife!". Or how you can literally FEEL the joy and enthusiasm in a group of people who are happy. You can FEEL the energetic vibrations that they are emitting. It's the same reason that a dog doesn't like certain people, or you can get a bad feeling about someone. Our current thoughts and emotions give off a VIBE that can be felt by others.

Now think about how if you have a room full of clocks they will eventually all sync up with one another. Or how sounds waves will either cancel each other out, if they are opposite peaks and valleys, OR they will sync up and create an even stronger wave with a higher peak when they merge together.

This is the basic principle of law of attraction. Whatever energetic vibration you are giving off, will sync up with other vibrations that are similar. So if you are complaining about something and giving off a bad vibe, you will literally sync up with other things in your environment that are also giving off bad vibes. You know the saying "When it rains, it pours" or "It goes from bad to worse" or "It just snowballed and got worse and worse". You may stub your toe, spill your coffee, and lose your car keys all within the same hour because you were giving off a bad vibe.

So what does that have anything to do with subliminal affirmations? Well, beliefs are just thoughts you continue to think. Beliefs are the pattern, or the base operating system that you automatically default to in your life. So if your base pattern is one that believes that "Everyone is out to get me" or "Money is hard to get" or "I will never be rich", then you are automatically giving off that energetic vibe. And you will always sync up with things and people that are giving off that same bad vibe. You will be drawn to people who can complain all about the same things you can complain about. Not only that, your brain will filter out what you see, hear, and experience to that MATCH those beliefs. Our brains process millions of pieces of information every second. But our reticular activating system will make sure that we only pay attention to the bits of information that are matched up with our thoughts and beliefs. Otherwise our minds would be completely overloaded all the time with so much information.

The Reticular Activating System and How it Influences What You See

An example of the reticular activating system at work is if you are considering buying a red Jeep, and researching it and thinking a lot about it, then all of sudden you will start seeing red Jeeps ALL OVER! Every time you drive down the highway, you will see a red Jeep. Now, that doesn't mean that the red Jeeps multiplied overnight and now there's more red Jeeps. No, your brain just knows that because you are thinking a lot about red Jeeps, they must be important information to you, so it is going to point out and make sure you recognize every single red Jeep that goes by. It's like your brain is saying "Hey, I know this is important to you, so I'm showing it to you!"

This is the same principle as confirmation bias. Whatever opinion you hold, whatever belief you have, you will "see" all kinds of evidence to support that belief. Everywhere you look! Two people can drive down the same street, and the person who believes "Opportunity is everywhere" will see business opportunity and money making opportunities everywhere they look. And a different person, who has a different set of core default beliefs such as "Life is so hard, I can never get ahead" will see nothing but old run down buildings, trash, and lack. But they are both looking at the same environment, the same street. But their core beliefs and repeating thoughts are causing their brains to filter out what they see and hear so it matches their beliefs.

So we strive to retrain our core subconscious beliefs by using subliminal affirmations. When we were age 0-6 when these core beliefs were established, we really didn't have a choice of what information we were absorbing like a sponge. We basically soaked in whatever our parents or caregivers exposed us to. But now, as adults, we can choose to retrain our subconscious beliefs. Since this is our pattern that runs on default, we want to change it so it's focused on positivity, opportunity, abundance, love, and prosperity. Beliefs are just thoughts we continue to think.

We use subliminal affirmations so that while we are making these changes, our conscious mind isn't arguing with us. If you just think "I am rich", but our core belief is "I will never have enough money", then our conscious mind will argue, and we won't make any progress. So we start with subconscious affirmations, so we don't get an argument from the conscious mind. Soon we will start "seeing" these things all over in our lives. We literally block out and don't pay any attention to the things we don't believe in. So as our belief systems change, a whole new world will open up to us. We will attract new prosperous opportunities, and we will also sync up with the people who are giving off prosperous vibes. We will match up with a whole new set of amazing opportunities. That have been there all along, but we were literally blind to them.

How to Make Subliminal Affirmations

I create my own subliminal affirmations and have an entire playlist on Youtube of subliminals about abundance, money, and prosperity. Some of them are also listed below (scroll down).

I use MindZoom software to create my subliminal affirmations. I just type the words I want to use and it will format it into a subliminal. I have a tutorial video of how to use the software here.

Try these Subliminal Videos

Learn how to use this cool video vision board to upload images of things YOU want to manifest in your life. The images will be integrated into premade video templates with positive affirmations and images that create feelings of harmony, joy, and accomplishment. I have manifested so many things by using this tool. I love it and highly recommend it! Sign up for a 10 day free trial!

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This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

#manifestationjournal #moneyjournal #manifestmoneyjournal

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💰If you would like to make your own subliminal videos or audios, see my tutorial video here, https://youtu.be/bT9w6AZ424M or you can directly access the subliminal software here.

💰Listen to More Abundance Subliminal Videos Here. Subliminal Playlist

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